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Every member contributes to the museum’s mission while enjoying yearlong free admission for themselves, their children, and guests—plus so much more!
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Due to Covid-19, call ahead with questions or to schedule a visit. 956-542-0941
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The best way to lend your support is by becoming a BMFA member. Start Here.
The Brownsville Museum of Fine Art is proud to present the 49th International Art Show, a cherished tradition that continues to grow with each passing year. This prestigious exhibition brings together an inspiring collection of works by talented artists from across the United States and Canada, including a significant number of Mexican American artists.
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It’s important for us to keep our community current with the latest information about our services along with upcoming exhibits and events.
If you have general questions or feedback, CLICK HERE to contact us with a different form.
Your privacy is important. We will not share your information.
Every member contributes to the museum’s mission while enjoying yearlong free admission for themselves, their children, and guests—plus so much more!
Here are some images from various past exhibit galleries. We’ve displayed amazing work from local artists to internationally renown artists.
Your privacy is important to us. We will not share or sell your information.