CALL FOR ENTRIES!! 2023 International Art Show.
Entry Deadline: 8/6/23
Entry Fee (48th International Art Show): $40.00
Media Images – Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3
Total Media – Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3
After a three-year hiatus because of Covid, we are pleased to present the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art’s 48th International Art Exhibition. This exhibition is a Brownsville tradition and an inspiring exhibit that brings together talented and creative artists from all over the world. We are honored to host such an important event at the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art.
All artists 18 and older are welcome to submit their works. All submissions must be original and from the artist submitting, no reproductions of other artist’s work nor published photographs. Works must have been completed during 2020 to the present. Work must not have been previously exhibited in an International Art Show at BMFA.
Christina Rees was the Senior Texas Editor at Glasstire from 2014-2017, and Editor-in-Chief at Glasstire from 2017-2021. In the past, she has served as an editor at The Met and D Magazine, as the full-time art columnist at the Dallas Observer, and has contributed art, film, and music criticism to the Village Voice, the Dallas Morning News, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and other publications. Rees was the owner and director of Road Agent gallery in Dallas for three years before serving as curator of Fort Worth Contemporary Arts from 2009 to 2013. Prior to joining Glasstire as an editor in July 2014, she was a frequent Glasstire contributor, and continues to write for other publications such as BLAU and Artdesk. Rees was a recipient of the Rabkin Prize, a national $50k award for outstanding arts writing. She is currently based in Dallas.
Midnight (Central Time) for digital submission on August 6, 2023. The fee is forty US dollars ($40) for 1 or 2 or 3 artworks. The entry fee is non-refundable.
Submissions will only be received via www.callforentry.org. This is a free Internet site to apply to exhibitions and competitions. Submit up to three (3) digital images. CaFE only accepts JPEGs or JPGs up to 5 MB with a minimum of 1200 pixels on the longest side.
CATEGORIES and Guidelines:
- Painting (oil and acrylic)
- Drawing (including pen, graphite, colored pencil, pastel, charcoal)
- Water Media (watercolor, gouache, India ink)
- Mixed Media (including collage)
- Printmaking (including etching, woodcuts, monograph, lithograph, aquatint)
- Fibers (including original clothing, weaving, embroidery, quilting, macrame, knitting, crocheting)
- Three-dimensional (including sculptural relief, sculpture in the round, installations, jewelry, ceramics)
- Photography
- Digital Media ( including digital collage, illustration, photo manipulation, video, animation)
All two-dimensional art must be framed, equipped with D-rings and/or multistrand metal wire (no single strand wire or nylon filament), and ready for hanging. NO SAW TOOTH HANGERS. Canvases must be framed or gallery wrapped with no staples showing nor painted over staples. Mats must be neatly cut and clean.
- Three-dimensional works must be stable and ready for installation.
- Artist may not substitute another work(s) for the accepted work(s).
- The BMFA reserves the right to place entries in proper categories when they have been designated in incorrect categories.
- The Brownsville Museum of Fine Art has the right to refuse the exhibition of any artwork that does not follow the proper guidelines and presentation.
- All art must be for sale and the BMFA will retain a 30% commission for any sale that is a direct result of the exhibition.
- By submitting work to be considered, artists grant permission to the BMFA to reproduce accepted artwork for promotional uses in both printed and electronic forms.
All work must be shipped in reusable containers (no Styrofoam peanuts) with a prepaid return-shipping label via UPS or FEDEX. Please retain a copy of your return-shipping label. Artists are responsible for their own shipping costs.
Shipped artwork must arrive by Friday, September 8.
Artist will be responsible for transporting and installing any sculpture exceeding 6 x 4 x 4’ or over 150 lbs. All accepted works must be available for the entire duration of the exhibition. Artists hand-delivering works must do so either Wednesday, September 6, 10 AM – 7 PM OR Saturday, September 9, 10 AM – 2 PM.
AWARDS: $4200 (Depending upon the number of entries in each category, the Juror may choose not to present all the awards.)
CLARA ELY AWARD: $250 limited to oil and acrylic paintings
OCTAVIA ARNESON AWARD: $250 limited to water media
MAYOR’S AWARD: Commemorative Plate
FIRST PLACE: in each of nine categories $150
SECOND PLACE: in each of nine categories, $100
THIRD PLACE: in each of nine categories, $50
HONORABLE MENTIONS: in each of nine categories
- June 12, 2023: Applications Open for 48th International Art Show
- August 6, 2023: Entry Submissions Deadline
- August 7 – 20: Juror Selection Process
- August 21 -22: Notification of Acceptance
- Wednesday, September 6, 10 AM – 7 PM: Hand-delivered work received
- Saturday, September 9, 10 AM – 2 PM: Hand-delivered work received
- Friday, September 8: Last day for shipped work to arrive
- Thursday, September 21, Awards Selection by Juror
- Friday, September 22, 6 PM: Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony with Juror
- Saturday, September 23, 10-11:30 AM: 48th International Art Show Breakfast with Juror for participating artists
- November 3: Final Day of Exhibition
- Saturday, November 4, 10 AM – 2 PM: Pick-up hand delivered work
- November 6 – 8: Shipped work returned
I accept all the guidelines and understand that the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art (BMFA) will handle all art objects submitted for the 48th International Art Show in a professional manner. BMFA is not responsible for any damage to art objects incurred during normal and proper handling of the work during the jurying process, installation, exhibition, or return to the artist.
I understand that all work must be ready to install. The Brownsville Museum of Fine Art will not be held responsible for any hand-delivered work that is damaged or stolen after November 4, 2023. All hand-delivered work not picked up on November 4, 2023 will be charged $50 handling fee and $1 for each extra day the artwork remains in the BMFA. ARTWORK NOT PICKED UP BY DECEMBER 4, 2023 WILL BECOME MUSEUM PROPERTY.
Click below to either view and download a complete prospectus or to apply online today. See you soon!