5th Annual Resaca Art Exhibition
The Brownsville Museum of Fine Art and the Brownsville Public Utilities Board invite all artists 18 years or older to submit artwork for the 5th Annual Resaca Art Exhibition. The exhibition will serve to raise awareness of the environmental and ecological impact, the flora and fauna of resacas, and the unique natural beauty of resacas.
Direct inquiries to Deyanira Ramirez, BMFA Executive Director, at (956) 542-0941 or dramirez@brownsvillemfa.org and info@brownsvillemfa.org
- A “Resaca Art Exhibition Inventory” must be received by USPS mail OR emailed OR hand-delivered by 4 PM, Saturday, July 29, 2023.
- A maximum of two (2) artworks per artist may be displayed.
- Work must not have been previously exhibited in a Resaca Exhibition at BMFA.
- All media are accepted.
- Original artwork may be for sale.
- Exhibitors must follow Resaca Exhibition Guidelines.
- Hand deliver work Wednesday, August 2, 10:30 AM – 7 PM.
- NO artwork will be accepted after the scheduled hours.
- BMFA retains 30% commission on all sales.
- Artist is responsible for hand-delivery and pick-up of artworks on the specified days and times.
2023 Schedule
Saturday, July 29, 4 PM Registration deadline via USPS mail OR email OR hand-delivery
Wednesday, August 2, 10:30 AM – 7 PM Hand-delivery of artwork (If the Inventory Sheet was not received on July 29 by 4 PM, artwork will not be accepted.)
Saturday, August 12, 12:30 PM Exhibition Opens / Opening Reception
Saturday, September 9, 4 PM Last day of exhibition / Exhibition closes
Wednesday, Sept. 13, 10:30 AM – 7 PM Pick-up of artwork OR Saturday, Sept. 16, 10:30 AM – 2 PM
Click below to download our guidelines, rules, and registration form. See you soon!